3 Tips To Help Baby With Fireworks Thunderstorms Sleep

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3 Tips To Help Baby With Fireworks Thunderstorms Sleep
3 Tips To Help Baby With Fireworks Thunderstorms Sleep

Fireworks and thunderstorms are excellent events for adults, but that sudden loud noise will be extremely overwhelming for a baby and perhaps even frightening. If you ever had to put your baby to sleep during a loud storm or fireworks, you know how difficult that can be. The unexpected bangs and crashes will bring a restless night for a baby. 

Thankfully, there are a few simple strategies to help your little one sleep soundly even when the world outside is noisy. In this guide, we will show you some very helpful tips to help your baby with fireworks thunderstorms sleep so that you and your baby can rest peacefully. 

How to Help A Child Sleep During Fireworks or Thunderstorms

Fireworks and thunderstorms are more common throughout the summer. Fireworks are commonly associated with summer celebrations like the Fourth of July in the U.S., along with other summer holidays and festivals. While thunderstorms are more frequent in the warmer months (late spring and summer).

The fireworks and thunderstorms can be quite upsetting for a young child. However, with the right approach, your baby may sleep right through the noise. Preparation of your baby’s sleep space and being ready for everything that might happen will come in handy whenever loud noises threaten to rob your baby’s rest.

Let Your Baby Go to Sleep Before The Fireworks Or Thunderstorms Start

One of the best things you can do for your baby with a fireworks thunderstorms sleep is to put them to bed before the noise starts. So if you are aware that there will be a storm or fireworks display, try putting your baby to bed just a little bit earlier, at least 40 minutes. This will ensure that when the noises start, your baby will be in a much deeper sleep, and he or she is less likely to wake up.

Use A Fan Or A White Noise Machine

You can use a white noise machine to help the baby sleep well
You can use a white noise machine to help the baby sleep well

The white noise machine produces a constant sound to mask other ambient noises. It generates sounds such as rainfall, ocean waves, or static hum while blocking out annoying traffic or household noises. Most white noise machines are designed to help babies sleep more soundly1.

Therefore, a white noise machine can be a lifesaver during noisy summer festivities. A white noise machine or even a fan can help to provide constant and soothing background noise to block out the jarring sounds of fireworks or thunder outside. This constant noise may keep your baby in its utmost calm state and prevent sudden loud sounds from waking them.

Comfort & Calm Your Baby When He or She Wakes Up

If your baby wakes up by a loud noise, you need to comfort them as quickly as possible. Gently go to them, speaking softly and reassuring them in soft tones. You can cuddle them, stroke their back, or even hum a quiet lullaby to get them relaxed and secure enough to go back to sleep. It may take you about 10 minutes to get your baby to sleep again. 

Is It Okay To Let A Baby Sleep In White Noise All Night?

Your answer is “Yes”. In general, it is safe for your baby to sleep with white noise all night as long as the machine’s volume stays under a suitable threshold. The trick is to keep the noise low, preferably at about 50 decibels at most, which is roughly about the volume of average room noise.

The white noise has a similar sound to what your baby was hearing inside the uterus. Hence, it can be very soothing and really help the baby sleep better. Just make sure the machine is well away from your baby’s crib with a distance of at least 7 feet (or 2 meters).

Should A Baby Sleep With Earmuffs On?

You can let your baby sleep with earmuffs when having fireworks
You can let your baby sleep with earmuffs when having fireworks

Yes, a baby can wear earmuffs during a fireworks thunderstorms sleep. Noise-canceling earmuffs designed for babies are safe for them and helpful in the instance of loud fireworks or a storm outside. However, not all babies will tolerate them in their sleep and you need to monitor your baby for a safe sleeping environment. If your baby seems to be uncomfortable or keeps waking up, white noise could be the best alternative.

Wrapping Up

It may be a bit challenging to help your baby sleep through fireworks or thunderstorms, but it’s really possible in the right way. You can put them to bed before the noise erupts, mask the noise with white noise, or comfort them when they wake up. You’re taking measures to put them in a quiet and serene fireworks thunderstorms sleep. With a little patience and these helpful techniques, your baby will be able to sleep tightly even on the noisiest night.

  1. Summer, J., & Summer, J. (2024, May 2). White Noise. Sleep Foundation. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/noise-and-sleep/white-noise ↩︎

Esther Nash
Esther Nash

Esther Nash is an editor at the Babies Parent, where she writes and edits content about pregnancy, postpartum, and she also had experiences working with parenting for high-profile clients like Parents, Forbes Advisors, VeryWell Family, Apartment Therapy, and Dwell. Over an eight-year career in educational publishing and digital media, Esther has developed a sharp eye for detail and strong reporting skills. As a staff member at the Babies Parent for over three years, she combines her in-depth knowledge of essential baby gear and postpartum needs with a passion for the latest trends to create informative content parents can rely on.

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