Motherhood Journey

70 Names That Mean Fear: Embrace Bravery

70 Names That Mean Fear: Embrace Bravery
70 Names That Mean Fear: Embrace Bravery

Naming oneself “fear” may be weird because most names are supposed to imply and connote positivism or good virtues in this world. However, the case is related not to the negativity of fear but to how it builds resilience, bravery, and strength. Having a component of fear in life is in any way natural, and carrying that in the form of a name is quite a reminder of tussle and battling unknowns boldly.

Some parents could also decide to choose names that mean ‘fear’ to instill at the very beginning in their children a sense of bravery and resilience. This reminds us that fear is not to be shunned but embraced and conquered. In the article “70 Names That Mean Fear: Embrace Bravery”, we will look into the unique list of 70 names that mean fear. Embrace boldness in these names and celebrate the strength derived from facing fear with courage.

Boy Names That Mean Fear

Most of the parents hope their baby boy will grow up with confidence and bravery
Most of the parents hope their baby boy will grow up with confidence and bravery

Perhaps, most of the parents hope their little boy will grow up with confidence and bravery. So, take time and find one of your favorites in the list below:

  1. Dreadon (Old English): This word means “fearful.” Dreadon speaks of a boy who approaches things with care and thoughtfulness.
  2. Uneasyon (English): Means “uneasy,” this fits boys who move through life cautiously.
  3. Fearian (Old English): This name means “fearful.” The attribute that this name brings out is that of a cautious boy who understands that there are dangers and risks.
  4. Timoros (Greek): This is the Greek word for “timid.” The name reflects or depicts the shyness and cautiousness of a boy’s nature.
  5. Intrepidus (Latin): Means “fearless.” The irony conveyed by the name refers to bravery in the presence of fear.
  6. Cautius (Latin): “Cautious” is the meaning of Cautius, hence this would be an appropriate name for a baby boy who is to meet challenges with prudence and careful consideration.
  7. Trepidario (Italian): This means “anxious.” This is for a boy with a disposition so full of apprehension and carefulness.
  8. Quavero (Latin): Quavero means “quivering.” The name brings with it quaking or shaking, as in the case of a boy’s nervous disposition.
  9. Griffin (Welsh): Literally, “strong lord,” interestingly, it is also the name of a mythic creature that derives from strength and courage. 
  10. Valdemar (Scandinavian): The name itself means “ruler of the famous,” suggesting this was a boy who slaps his fears around with leadership and gallantry. 
  11. Zahir (Arabic): It suggests he is a boy who faces his fears with clarity and brightness.
  12. Angra Mainyu (Persian): For “fiendish” or “destructive spirit.” This is supposed to be the name for some monster demon in Zoroastrianism.
  13. Neifion (Welsh): Literally means “dread” or “terror”, was borne by a terrifying Welsh prince.
  14. Eryx (Greek): Stands for “terror”. It has been associated with the mountain in Sicily where they believe the god of terror resides.
  15. Jerial (Hebrew): It means “fear” or “the vision of God”.
  16. Abhaidev (Sanskrit): This name means “free of fear.” Hence, it suggests that your baby boy will be a man devoid of fear.
  17. Akampit (Hindi): This is a Hindi name, meaning “terrible” or “one which creates fear.”
  18. Kyrios (Greek): The word “lord” or “master.” Anciently, those who are to be feared were addressed this way.
  19. Kikimora (Slavic): literally, “spirit” or “witch,” applied to mischievous spirits in Slavic folklore.
  20. Phobos (Greek): Stands for “fear” or “panic.” The god of fear in Greek mythology, Phobos was the personification of this particular human emotion. This name belongs to one of the sons of Ares in Greek mythology. Additionally, one of Mars’s moons is named after him.
  21. Deimos (Greek): From the Greek meaning “terror,” he is the personification of terror in Greek mythology. He is remembered as having always attended the god of war, Ares.
  22. Bhisma (Hindi): Means “terrible” or “one that induces fear.”
  23. Shax (Islamic): This is the name of a demon, specifically in charge of terrifying visions or nightmares from the night.
  24. Pavor (Latin):  Means “fear” or “panic.” This would be the name of a boy who, aware of the dangers to his life, has to boldly face them.

Girl Names That Mean Fear

Names meaning fear can symbolize inner strength and courage for girls
Names meaning fear can symbolize inner strength and courage for girls

Though the names meaning fear may not be associated with a baby girl, they could hold surprising power. They do not connote timidity but inner strength, courage, and demand respect. Maybe she will grow up to be a powerhouse, a leader, or someone who elicits respect. 

  1. Cautia (Latin): The Latin name with “cautious” meaning brings out the girl who faces challenges with a lot of prudence and careful consideration.
  2. Trepidaria (Italian): Means “anxious.” This name reflects a disposition that marks the character of a girl as apprehensive and careful.
  3. Faria (Old English): Faria means “fearful”. So, a girl having this name is supposed to be aware of the risks and uncertainties that may lie ahead.
  4. Timora (Greek): Timora means “timid”. This name conveys a sense of caution in a girl’s character.
  5. Abhaidevi (Sanskrit): Abhaidevi means “fearless.” The name suggests that your girl will grow up to be a fearless woman.
  6. Akampita (Hindi): Akampita means “terrible” or “one that induces fear.” 
  7. Kyra (Greek): Meaning “master” or “lord”, this name was used to address fearsome people in ancient times.
  8. Kikimora (Slavic): The name means “spirit” or “witch” and reflects the mischievous creatures in Slavic folklore.
  9. Neifa (Welsh): This name means “dread” or “terror” and was historically given to a fearsome Welsh princess.
  10. Eryka (Greek): The name means “terror” and is related to the Sicilian mountain, which was considered the dwelling of the god of terror.
  11. Bhismati (Hindi): Meaning “terrible” or “one that induces fear,” this name is unique for a girl.
  12. Ogmia (Celtic): Meaning “dreadful” or “terrifying,” the name refers to a goddess of storytelling and eloquence in Celtic mythology.
  13. Morgatha (Welsh): This means “horror” or “terror.” The name was linked to a Welsh queen who specialized in dark magic.
  14. Shaxa (Islamic): It is associated with a demon that causes terrifying visions or nightmares at night.
  15. Palpita (Latin): This means “palpitations,” and so such a girl’s heart beats in treme­ting excitement and anxiety.
  16. Hesitara (Latin): This means “hesitant,” hence portraying a girl who is very cautious and reserved when approaching things.
  17. Vespera (Latin): This name means “evening star.” This suggests the serene enchantment of a girl with a presence that shines brightly.
  18. Nocturna (Latin): Nocturna stands for “of the night.” This name is for a mysterious, mystical, and enchanting girl, dusky and dark, like nights.
  19. Bhao (Sikh): This seems to be a normal name usually given to any baby girl born in India. This means “fear” and originated from the Sikh Religion.
  20. Wyntir (Old English): From the Old English word for “to fear,” “wintan”, Wyntir means “to be afraid.”
  21. Lilith (Hebrew): Lilith is a night demon in Talmudic tradition.
  22. Draculina (Romanian): Literally, it means a relative of terrors from “Dracula,” vampire-like.
  23. Thana (Arabic): This is the Arabic word for “death,” and, as such, is always attended with the feeling of mortal dread.
  24. Oleka (Nigerian): Contrary to other names, Oleka means “fear of wasting life.” Its origin is from Nigeria, and it is normally given to mean that life should be lived to the fullest.
  25. Pavora (Latin): Pavora emanates from the Latin word “Pavor,” meaning “dread” or “fear.”
  26. Akuma (Japanese): Akuma means “demon” or “devil” in Japanese and is used to reflect a presence of terror or fear.
  27. Trepidia (Latin): From the Latin “trepidus,” meaning nervous and alarmed, it means “fear” or “trepidation.”

Names That Mean Fear Inspired By Myths

Names that mean fear inspired by myths are interesting choices
Names that mean fear inspired by myths are interesting choices

If you’re drawn to the boldness of names that evoke mythological figures associated with fear, then this section is for you. These names that mean fear are perfect for a child destined to leave their mark on the world.

For Boys

  1. Anubis (Egyptian Mythology): God of funerary rites and protector of graves, associated with the fear of death and the afterlife.
  2. Hades (Greek Mythology): God of the underworld; he is feared because of his rulership over the dead.
  3. Chernobog (Slavic Mythology): Chernobog stands for the dark god of death and chaos, standing for fear and bad fate.
  4. Arawn (Welsh Mythology): Arawn is the Underworld King of Welsh Mythology and is thus associated with fear and the unknown. 
  5. Nergal (Mesopotamian Mythology): Is the God of War, Death, and Pestilence of Mesopotamia; hence, he is generally used to symbolize or embody fear and destruction. 
  6. Shiva (Hindu Mythology): Though Shiva is commonly known for being Destroyer and Regenerator, some of his fearful aspects are enough to create fear and respect.
  7. Set (Egyptian Mythology): Chaos and violence god of storms, generally feared due to his nature that was unpredictable and destructive. 
  8. Thanatos (Greek Mythology): He is the personification of death, conjuring fear into mortals of the eventual life end. 
  9. Fenrir (Norse Mythology): Monster wolf foretold to bring about Ragnarok, inspiring fear and awe at his destined role in the Norse apocalypse.

For Girls

  1. Bellona (Roman Mythology): Bellona, the Roman goddess of war, is associated with fear and terror on the battlefield.
  2. Nemesis (Greek Mythology): Nemesis is a goddess of retribution; most of the time, she causes fear and dread amongst all whom she seeks to punish.
  3. Anat (Ugaritic Mythology): Anat is a rather aggressive war goddess and is thus associated with fear on the battlefield.
  4. Eris (Greek Mythology): The goddess of discord and strife is associated with chaos and fear.
  5. Persephone (Greek Mythology): Referred to as the queen of the underworld. Persephone stands for the unknown, the afterlife, and the fear of both.
  6. Ishtar (Mesopotamian Mythology): This goddess of war and sexual love casts a duality that creates fear and reverence in her.
  7. Sedna (Inuit Mythology): The sea goddess, controlling the sea animals, whose wrath can then instill a fear in hunters and fishermen.
  8. Banshee (Irish Folklore): Facing fear and sorrow, the Banshee is a female spirit whose wail is an omen of death.
  9. Hecate (Greek Mythology): Hecate is known as the magic goddess in Greek mythology. In regards to her association with night, she represents terror and fear.
  10. Morrigan (Irish Mythology): The name is linked with that of the Irish goddess of death and war, who stands for terror and fear.

Final Thought

Names that mean fear can be very empowering, as we have seen. It may be inner strength, awe, or even a courageous spirit evoked by the names. Embrace the unconventional, then. Never hesitate to pick a name that far surpasses that ‘fear’—the expected—for your baby.

Rachel Frost
Rachel Frost

Rachel Frost is a mom of three who loves sharing her parenting journey. She writes about her experiences and guides parents on which baby products to buy and which to skip. Rachel uses a bit of humor to lighten the messier side of parenting, focusing on the beautiful moments it brings. Originally from Southern California, she now lives in Austin, Texas. Rachel looks forward to connecting with readers through BABIES PARENT.

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