Top 60 Names That Mean Sacrifice For Baby Girls & Boys

Top 60 Names That Mean Sacrifice For Baby Girls & Boys
Top 60 Names That Mean Sacrifice For Baby Girls & Boys

A name is very important to each individual. That’s why parents spend much time and effort to find both meaningful and beautiful names for their babies. Many of them look for a name with deeper virtues beneath its sounds and spellings, like a sacrifice. It is a good quality that is made of selfless love and commitment. The names meaning sacrifice carry strength, persistence, and the ability to sacrifice something for something bigger. 

And right in this article, Babies Parent provides you with the top 60 baby names that mean sacrifice. They all have beautiful sounds while shining with the essence of sacrifice and noble qualities.

What Do Names That Mean Sacrifice Embody?

Most parents are intrigued by giving their babies names that portray deeper meanings in life. One classic perfect example could be sacrifice, which is a strong trait that symbolizes selflessness, love, and devotion. Names that mean sacrifice are full of strength, keep going and give up something for a greater cause. From culturally, biblically, and historically referenced names, these names carry with them some attachment to profound virtues.

List of 60 Beautiful Names That Mean Sacrifice For Babies

Below are some boys’ and girls’ names, along with some special biblical and unique names that reflect the noble virtue of sacrifice. You surely can find a name meaning sacrifice that satisfies your requirements. 

Boy Names That Mean Sacrifice 

15 meaningful boy names that mean sacrifice
15 meaningful boy names that mean sacrifice

These boy names that mean sacrifice are very strong yet resilient. Thus, they are perfect for parents who want to instill these values right from the very beginning.

  1. Alistair – This Scottish name literally means “defender of men,” one who sacrifices for the security of others.
  2. Abel – A Hebrew name meaning “breath,” famously linked to the biblical figure who sacrificed his best to God.
  3. Leander – This name is Greek, meaning “lion man,” it denotes heroism and a hero sacrifice.
  4. Anselm – This is a Germanic name that refers to “divine protection,” and was often associated with the self-sacrifice of saints.
  5. Tariq – Standing for “morning star,” this Arabic name represents a sacrifice of darkness for the shining light.
  6. Samson – In Hebrew, this is the name meaning “sun,” associated with a biblical figure who sacrifices himself for his people.
  7. Moses – Of Hebrew origin, Moses is a biblical name who sacrificed much to lead his people out of slavery.
  8. Hector – Of Greek origin, Hector means “steadfast.” It is a name linked with heroic sacrifice in Greek mythology.
  9. Isidore – The meaning of this name in Greek is “gift of Isis,” and it was related to the offerings made to the gods.
  10. Kasimir – This Slavic name means “destroyer of peace.” An implication here is being willing to sacrifice tranquility in one’s life for something bigger.
  11. Everard – An Old English name meaning “brave boar,” showing sacrificial tendencies on the battlefields.
  12. Leonidas – This name originates from the Greek name and means “lion-like.” It is renowned because of the heroic sacrifice of the Spartan king in battle.
  13. Gideon – This Hebrew name means “one who cuts trees.” Indeed, in the biblical story of Gideon, he sacrificed for the people of Israel.
  14. Cyril – Of Greek origin, this name translates to “lord.” It depicts sacrifice-it was associated with early Christian martyrs.
  15. Omar – Derived from Arabic, means “flourishing.” This name evokes the sacrifice that went with growth and prosperity.

Girl Names That Mean Sacrifice

Profound names meaning sacrifice for baby girls
Profound names meaning sacrifice for baby girls

These elegant girl names embody the characteristics of sacrifice, devotion, and compassion, with profound meanings that are both unique and inspirational.

  1. Esmae – This is a Persian name, which means “beloved.” This is also considered as martyrdom. 
  2. Zoe –  This Greek name means “life.” It is related to giving life – a profound type of sacrifice.
  3. Isolde -A Welsh name that means “ice ruler.” In legend, she is bound by sacrifice to love and duty.
  4. Agatha – Agatha is a Greek name that means “good” and is commonly connected with saints who made sacrifices for their faith.
  5. Joan – This Hebrew name means “God is gracious” and is related with Joan of Arc, a true representation of sacrifice to death.
  6. Ariadne – A Greek name meaning “most holy” and attributed to myths of self-sacrifice so that others may survive.
  7. Seraphina – Originating from Hebrew, this name translates to “fiery one,” attributed to angels, who are said to make sacrifices for human beings.
  8. Thea – Derived from Greek, this means the goddess, related to sacrifices according to mythology.
  9. Amara – The name Amara is of African descent and signifies elegance. Much can be related to the sacrifices that one makes for love and mercy.
  10. Martina – In Latin means “warlike”. It relates to the sacrifice of battles in the past and the ability to stand strong amidst such slaughter.
  11. Leila – Of Arabic origin, it means “night.” It can relate to how one may sacrifice just to shine some light into the night.
  12. Imara – This Swahili name means “firm,” symbolizing steadfastness and sacrifice under trial.
  13.  Evangeline – This beautiful name means the bearer who comes with good news in Greek. The name may be related to the notions of religious sacrifice and redemption.
  14.  Victoria – This Latin name means “victory” and shows the sacrifices needed to be made for a great triumph.
  15.  Selene – A Greek name meaning “moon,” symbolizing the sacrifices in the darkness toward light.

Biblical Names That Mean Sacrifice 

alt: Biblical names meaning sacrifice attached to faith & redemption

Biblical names are often imbued with meaning and attached to some of the most extraordinary tales of faith, sacrifice, and redemption. They allude to the ultimate sacrifices offered to the Lord in service.

  1. Isaac – Originating from the Hebrew language, it means “laughter”, and is attached to Abraham’s sacrifice story in the Bible.
  2. Elijah – Elijah is a Hebrew name that means “my God is Yahweh” and is associated with the offerings that the prophets brought forth.
  3. Rachel  – A Hebrew name meaning “ewe”, is a symbol associated with gentleness and sacrifice.
  4. John – Means “God is gracious,” and refers to the many biblical characters who sacrificed greatly on a personal level for faith.
  5. Isaiah – In Hebrew, this is the name that means “salvation of the Lord”. It has been associated with prophets who sacrificed to deliver God’s message.
  6. Abraham – This is a name that means “father of multitudes,” reflecting the story of Abraham’s sacrifice of his son for God.
  7. Esther – This means “star,” signified the sacrifice of comfort for a higher cause.
  8. Jeremiah – Jeremiah is a Hebrew name, which means “God will uplift.” This was given to a very sacrificing prophet of his religion.
  9. Naomi – Hebrew in origin, “pleasant” in meaning, and relates to a sacrifice that occurred in the Book of Ruth.
  10.  Job – This Hebrew name means “persecuted” and relates to the ultimate tale of sacrifice and faith found within the Bible.
  11. Hannah – This is a Hebrew name, which means “grace,” associated with selflessness and sacrifice to others.
  12. Sarah – A Hebrew name meaning “princess,” in whom many stories are told, of faith and sacrifice leading to future generations.
  13. Joseph – Hebrew origin, meaning “he will add,” referring to the main character in the Bible named Joseph and his sacrifices.
  14. Rebekah – Rebekah’s meaning is “to tie or bind,” implying ties to sacrifice and family.
  15. Paul – Derived from Latin and means “small,” but represents a great sacrifice related to the New Testament apostle Paul.

Unique Names That Mean Sacrifice

15 unique names that mean sacrifice for babies
15 unique names that mean sacrifice for babies

Exotic and uncommon, these names evoke the meaning of sacrifice in a new way for parents who want something really different.

Kaida – Named after the Japanese, meaning “little dragon,” symbolizing a sacrificial yet strong spirit.

Bodhi – In Sanskrit, it means “awakening.” The name Bodhi is associated with self-sacrifice to attain spiritual enlightenment.

Zephyr – Of the Greek origin, which means “west wind.” It symbolizes the silent sacrifice of change.

Mira – A Latin name that means “wonder” and is associated with sacrifice during wonderful moments. 

Phoenix – This is a name taken from Greek mythology, signifying the greatest act of sacrifice, which is death itself, to be reborn. 

Zariah – This is an Arabic name meaning “radiance”, which speaks of sacrifice leading to the advent of a life filled with hope. 

Kiran – A Sanskrit name that means “ray of light”, depicting the sacrifice in darkness to let light through.

Soren – This means “stern” in Scandinavian and conveys strength, the rigors that one goes through in making sacrifices to survive. 

Dara – It is Hebrew in origin and means a “nugget of wisdom.” It’s more self-sacrificing to attain wisdom.

Gaia – Of Greek origin, it means “earth,” symbolizing the ultimate sacrifice to nurture life.

Rune – Of Old Norse origin, it means “secret” and depicts the sacrifices involved during mystic or spiritual journeys.

Calliope – A Greek name derived from “beautiful voice”; thus, it refers to a sacrifice to be performed in the realm of art.

Vesper – From Latin “evening star,” used to symbolize sacrifice when the day is almost over.

Osiris – Egyptian in origin, “strong eyesight” in meaning, and can be connected with the mythological story of sacrifice in Egypt.

Nova – A Latin origin, which means “new,” symbolizes rebirth through sacrifice.

Famous People With Names Meaning Sacrifice

Many famous people have been graced with names that mean sacrifice. The actions and legacies of these individuals have shaped society, and quite a number of them have performed feats that reflect selfless and courageous behavior. The following are famous people whose names have meanings that relate to sacrifice:

  • Abraham Lincoln: He is the 16th president of the U.S. Abraham is of Hebrew origin, which means “father of nations.”
  • Isaac Newton: Isaac is a Hebrew name that means “laughter.” Isaac Newton sacrificed much of his personal life in his attempt to focus on the now-famous research into physics and mathematics.
  • Joan of Arc: Joan is of Hebrew origin and means “God is gracious.” She gave her life to France by commanding the French army.
  • Mahatma Gandhi: In Sanskrit, the full name of Gandhi, Mohandas, literally means “servant of God.” Indeed, his was a life of service and sacrifice. 
  • Oscar Romero: Oscar, derived from the Old English, means “God’s spear.” Oscar Romero was an archbishop of Salvador origin. 
  • Rachel Carson: Rachel is a Hebrew name meaning “ewe” or “gentle lamb.” An environmentalist, her work catalyzed the global environmental movement. 

Wrapping Up 

A name meaning sacrifice would be a great way to heed the call of selfless, brave, and devoted values. When you name your child after one of these sacrifices, you are aligning them with a continuous line of individuals who have gone ahead to make meaningful contributions to the world. These names that mean sacrifice, either for boys or girls, may remind one throughout life of values held so dear.

Rachel Frost
Rachel Frost

Rachel Frost is a mom of three who loves sharing her parenting journey. She writes about her experiences and guides parents on which baby products to buy and which to skip. Rachel uses a bit of humor to lighten the messier side of parenting, focusing on the beautiful moments it brings. Originally from Southern California, she now lives in Austin, Texas. Rachel looks forward to connecting with readers through BABIES PARENT.

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