Can A Woman Produce Milk Without Being Pregnant?

Can a woman produce milk without being pregnant
Can a woman produce milk without being pregnant

Breast milk production is commonly associated with pregnancy and childbirth. But can a woman produce milk without being pregnant? While breast milk production is the hallmark of motherhood, it can sometimes surprise us by showing up outside of pregnancy. 

This unexpected guest is called galactorrhea, a condition where women lactate (produce breast milk) without being pregnant.  It might seem strange, but galactorrhea affects not only women but men and newborn babies. If you are curious about this, keep scrolling down to explore the reasons why a woman can lactate while not getting pregnant as well as potential solutions.  

Can A Woman Produce Milk Without Being Pregnant?

A woman can lactate but not pregnant
A woman can lactate but not pregnant

You might be surprised to learn that a woman can produce milk even when she is not pregnant. Galactorrhea affects an estimated 20 to 25% of women1, says Dr. Sherry Ross at Saint John’s Health Center. Interestingly, it can even occur in men and women who have never been pregnant.

How Can A Woman Produce Milk Without Being Pregnant?

Normally, producing milk only happens when you are pregnant. During pregnancy, the hormone called prolactin is released and stimulates milk production in the mammary glands. In other words, high prolactin levels (known as hyperprolactinemia)  are the main reason for lactation.

However, with galactorrhea, the rise of prolactin levels is not because of pregnancy and brings on a surprise milk supply. We will talk about this carefully in the next parts.

Who can galactorrhea affect?

Galactorrhea most commonly occurs in women but can also develop in men and children. It is most prevalent among those between 20 and 35 (age of reproductive age) and who have been pregnant.

Causes of galactorrhea

Galactorrhea has a wide array of causes, and sometimes pinpointing the exact reason can be challenging. The most common cause of breast milk production is an elevated level of prolactin, a hormone produced in the brain. This issue can result from:

  • Take some particular medications: birth control, antidepressants, antipsychotics, heartburn medications, blood pressure medicines, some pain killers, and medications that contain hormones
  • Underlying medical conditions: liver or kidney disease, thyroid disorders, chronic stress, tumors or disease of the hypothalamus, trauma or damage to breast tissue (including breast reduction and augmentation), spinal cord trauma, or injury. 
  • Overstimulated nipples: For some individuals, regular stimulation of the breasts might contribute to galactorrhea. This stimulation could come from sexual activity, frequent self-exams, or friction from clothing against the nipples. 
  • Use drugs: This includes opiates, marijuana, and cocaine. Regular use of those drugs can make one lactate but not pregnant. 
  • Take herbal supplements: such as fennel seed and fenugreek.

Not only women, galactorrhea also occurs in men and newborn babies. Testosterone deficiency in men can be the reason and high levels of estrogen in newborns. While rare, it affects about 5% of newborns and occurs in both sexes2. This temporary condition is caused by exposure to estrogen from the mother during pregnancy. The good news is that witch’s milk typically resolves on its own within a few weeks after birth. 

In some cases, doctors might not be able to identify a specific reason for galactorrhea. This is called idiopathic galactorrhea. For people with this issue, their breast tissue may be simply more sensitive to prolactin, even at normal levels.

Symptoms of galactorrhea

Can a woman produce milk without being pregnant & Some common symptoms
Can a woman produce milk without being pregnant & Some common symptoms

One of the most common symptoms of galactorrhea is the unexpected production of milk from one or both breasts. Here are some other symptoms that people may experience3:

  • Milk leaks from the nipples without any stimulation.
  • Breast tissue gets enlarged
  • Missed or irregular menstrual periods
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Lose or reduce sex drive 
  • Headaches and vision issues
  • Other signs: Nausea, acne, and abnormal hair growth might also be present.
  • Erectile dysfunction in men

Diagnosis of galactorrhea

To find what causes galactorrhea, you will need to take a few tests. These include: 

  • Blood test: to check the levels of prolactin and/or check your thyroid function
  • Physical examination of your breasts and nipples: to notice any abnormal change
  • Analyze milk discharge from nipples
  • Pregnancy test: to see if you produce milk because of pregnancy or not
  • Ultrasound/ mammography: imaging tests to check if there is any change in breast tissue
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and CT (computer tomography) tests: imaging tests to examine tumors or issues occurring in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
  • Review what medications you’re taking as well as your medical history

Treatments For Galactorrhea Without Getting Pregnant 

Once your doctor identifies the cause of your galactorrhea, they can recommend the most effective treatment plan. Here’s a breakdown of some potential approaches:

  • Lifestyle changes: This might involve reducing nipple stimulation during intimacy or rubbing with clothing. If drugs like marijuana, cocaine, or opiates are contributing factors, eliminating them can also be part of the treatment plan. Be aware that milk production can persist for a few months even after stopping medication.
  • Doctor-prescribed treatments: For some situations, your doctor might recommend medications to regulate hormone imbalances. They may also suggest changing medications that cause galactorrhea as a side effect.
  • Addressing underlying conditions: If a tumor or pituitary gland issues are identified as the cause, further tests and potentially surgery might be necessary.
  • Lowering prolactin levels: Medications like Bromocriptine can be prescribed to treat this symptom.

The good news is that galactorrhea is generally a highly treatable condition. Even in cases where a tumor on the pituitary gland is identified as the cause, these benign tumors are typically noncancerous and respond well to treatment.

The treatment will vary depending on the cause. Treatment may take more time if the source is a tumor that needs surgery, medication, or radiation therapy.

What should you be concerned about?

Galactorrhea is often treatable, and in many cases, it can even resolve on its own. Staying away from things that cause galactorrhea is the easiest way to prevent it. However, it’s important to be aware of other nipple discharge symptoms that require prompt medical attention.

See your doctor right away if:

  • The discharge is not milky but appears clear, bloody, or yellow. 
  • Experience a lump in your breast.
  • Notice any changes in the appearance of your nipple, such as dimpling or retraction.

Is It Possible To Breastfeed Without Pregnancy?

A woman can breastfeed without pregnancy with the help from medical support
A woman can breastfeed without pregnancy with the help from medical support

The milk produced when you have galactorrhea is considered “real” breastfeeding milk because it’s produced by the same hormone (prolactin). Therefore, you can feel free to feed this milk to any baby. If you produce a lot of milk and your baby doesn’t need it yet, you can also put the milk in the refrigerator. You can warm this milk to feed your baby later.

Breastfeeding without pregnancy-induced lactation might be possible. If you have time to prepare (ideally months), your doctor might recommend hormone therapy with medications like estrogen and progesterone. These hormones replicate the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and stimulate your body to prepare for milk production. 

If you are in a short time, there might be other medications your doctor can prescribe to help kick-start lactation. Once you begin breastfeeding the baby, regular pumping becomes crucial.  Your doctor might recommend pumping after feedings to establish a strong milk supply. 

So, “Can a woman produce milk without being pregnant?”. “Yes” is our clear answer. If you are in the same situation, don’t panic! While the underlying cause can vary, remember that galactorrhea is often treatable. You need to visit the doctor to find out the reasons and have proper treatments.

  1. NIH – National Library of Medicine – National Center for Biotechnology Information: An assessment of serum prolactin levels among infertile women with galactorrhea attending a gynecological clinic North-West Nigeria ↩︎
  2. PubMed Central [National Institutes of Health (.gov)] – ‘Witch’s milk’. Galactorrhea in the newborn ( ↩︎
  3. Mayo Clinic – Galactorrhea – Symptoms and Causes ↩︎

Lynn Campbell
Lynn Campbell

Lynn Campbell brings decades of experience as an editor for top newspapers, magazines, and websites. She learned to use credible sources and spot pseudoscience. Lynn is a writer, editor, copy editor, and researcher who has worked as copy chief at SPIN, ELLEgirl, and Kinfolk magazine, among many others. She has managed copy and research departments and served as a managing editor, deputy editor, staff writer, parenting editor, and advertising manager. Lynn also served as the copy chief for several books, including the New York Times best-seller The Kinfolk Home. She earned a Bachelor's degree in English literature from the University of Georgia. As a mother, Lynn combines her professional expertise with her parenting experiences to offer valuable insights to her readers.

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